VB Undetecting Tool Features:
- You can select with which files you want to work.
- It works totally automatically.
- You do not need to have Visual Basic Installed as it has a Compiler.
- It works very fasts and complexes all code in less than 1 minute (Depending code long)
- It FUDS Your tools and protects it against crackers, As new generated code is totally unreadeable by debuggers
- New generated codes are totally different between them, no one is similar to other, they are all UNIQUE.
- If an AV gets one code you undetected with this tool, the others continue being undetected as they are UNIQUE.
- It has a Plug-ins Folder, so, you can code your own tools for the program and personalizate it.
- Tool will never be out of date as it is continually being updated, and if it does, however, you can code your own trashs simplily.
- Api Obfuscating: It obfuscates API'S, and also names!!
- String Encrypting: It encrypts ALL String with RANDOM key, they will be every time different.
- Add XOR Function: It adds automatically the Decryption Function
- Add Trash Code: It adds Trash Code, which you can code using plug-in folders or use default one.
- Complex Code: It does RIP on code, I mean, It changes code order and redirects the coding, making it continuing working and redirectioning flows.
- Trash Modules, Forms And Classes: It adds random new modules, Forms or Classes.
- Trash Declarations: It adds Trash Main Declarations, which you can code new ones with plug-ins folder.
- Trash Functions: It adds Trash Functions to project, which you can code new ones with plug-in folder.
- Trash Functions Options: It adds new options to the existing functions.
- Randomize Function Names: It changes all Function Names to randomized strings.
- Randomize Subs Names: It changes all Subs Names to randomized strings.
- Randomize Project Info: It changes all Project Info to randomized strings.
- Randomize Objects Names: It changes all module, forms and classes names to randomized strings.
- Scramble Function Orders: It changes the order of the functions appearing in each module,form or class to randomized order.
- Scramble Main Declarations: It changes the order of the main declarations appearing in each module, form or class to randomized order.
- Scramble Sub Declaration Orders: It changes the order of each declaration in each function or sub appearing in each module, form or class to randomized order.
- Don't Check for Repeated Keys: This might bug project, but tool will run faster.
- Use Fast Replace: This rarely will bug project, but tool will run faster.
- Don't Work with new Objects: This options disables working with the new trash modules, forms or classes.
- Disable Random Work: This option will disable Random Work, this will make no important difference in Project.
- Debug Mode: Ballon Showing Tips will inform you program running information when its working.
- Compile: After a new stub has been generated it will automatically Compile It.
- You can do a multi generating of Stubs, so you can use it as Stub Generator.
Download Visual Basic Undetecting Tool
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