1. Check
Windows Update and Office Update regularly
(http://office.microsoft.com/productupdates); Click on the Automatic
Updates tab in the System control panel and choose the appropriate
2. Install a personal firewall. Both SyGate (www.sygate.com) and ZoneAlarm (www.zonelabs.com) offer free versions.
Install a free spyware blocker. I am choose SpyBot Search & Destroy
(http://security.kolla.de). SpyBot is also paranoid and ruthless in
hunting out tracking cookies.
4. Block pop-up spam messages by disabling the Windows Messenger service.
Open Control Panel >> Administrative Tools >> Services and you'll see Messenger
Right-click and go to Properties, Set Start-up Type to Disabled and press the Stop button. Bye spam pop-ups!
Use strong passwords and change them periodically. Passwords should
have at least seven characters; use letters and numbers and have at
least one symbol.
If you're using Outlook or Outlook Express, use the current version or
one with the Outlook Security Update installed. The update and current
versions patch numerous vulnerabilities.
7. Buy antivirus software and keep it up to date. If you're not willing to pay, try AVG Free Edition
If you have a wireless network, turn on the security features: Use MAC
filtering, turn off SSID broadcast, and even use WEP with the biggest
key you can get.
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