![Hide-Facebook-Questions-on-wall-remove Hide-Facebook-Questions-on-wall](http://www.hackhow.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/05/Hide-Facebook-Questions-on-wall-remove.png)
Firefox and Safari
Facebook doesn’t seem to offer any blocking for some specific type of updates, but you can take help of the Firefox plugin called FB Purity.This tool
is even available for safari users and helps you in filtering a lot of
stuff off your Facebook wall, like questions ,spam,buttons etc.And
provides a end result page with simple layout and less clutter and
improved loading time.
Google Chrome
But if you are a chrome user then check out a tool called Hide FB Questions, that lets you manage your Facebook
wall with improved layout and control over the questions feature of
Facebook. Install the tool from the link and clear the cache in order to
view immediate results.
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