DarkComet RAT 5.3 Final

The final version of DarkComet RAT 5.3 is out, and don't worry guy's it still the beginning of this 4 years project (already), DarkCoderSc have a lot of ideas / works to implement to this project for his next versions/ generations also i'm still working in a lite version even if in this version you already can lift functions you don't wan't to use using a new functionality in client settings.
Also VertexNet is not dead, it should rebirth soon as i have more free time and some other big projects to finalize, VertexNet will be totally recoded and of course Linked to the DarkComet RAT.
[Change for 5.3.1 FIX 1]
- New action added in FTP Client, you can copy to clipboard the link of a file (useful for file downloader (URL))
- A very huge bug was fixed for stub startup, now it works fine 
- A bug fix when using user list thumbnails

Screenshot :

[Curent Changes 5.3]
- [FIX ] HTTP Flood more efficient
- [FIX ] In settings the last theme is correctly set in the combobox
- [FIX ] Auto SIN Refresh ratio successfully saved in config.ini
- [GUI ] Client Settings GUI changed, it is now more user friendly and fit with the rest of DarkComet RAT Design
- [GUI ] EULA At startup is more beautiful
- [GUI ] No IP Gui revised
- [GUI ] User group Gui revised
- [FUNC] Search for update added in settings
- [GUI ] Keylogger GUI revised
- [FIX ] Now desktop correctly save snapshots (if option enabled)
- [DEL ] Delete in full editor (read only, archived, tempory) attributes to avoid some stub problems if used
- [FIX ] Users list flags support now Serbia Country (Republic of Serbia)
- [FIX ] VIP Lounge price and URL fixed
- [FUNC] HOT, Now you can chose wich functions you need in the control center, and not be bloated with functions you might never used. (In settings window)
- [FIX ] FTP Upload Keylogger Logs bug fixed
- [FUNC] FTP Wallet added in settings, it allow you to setup and test your FTP accounts for compatible DarkComet RAT FTP Functions
- [FUNC] FTP Wallet is now linked to the Edit Server keylogger FTP Managment
- [FUNC] Now you can upload files from file manager to one of your FTP account (compatible with the FTP Wallet)
- [FUNC] Embedded FTP Client added to DarkComet, multithread using Pure API, very fast and reliable and of course user friendly.
- [FIX ] Bug fixed when module startup enable, no more tons of process on reboot etc.. support Drag n Drop
- [FUNC] Drag And Drop added in File Manager to upload files frop explorer directly to remote computer
- [FUNC] New downloader method implemented using Pure low level API's instead of the shit URLDownloadUrlToFile bloated of crap
- [FUNC] File Downloader manager from control center been improved and bug fixed, now file are correctly downloaded, also you can chose a PATH from combobox shortcut
- [FUNC] Mass downloader from user list been improved and multithreaded, also download bug is now fixed
- [FUNC] Same as for mass downloader, update from URL bug fixed and improved

DOWNLOAD DarkComet RAT 5.3 Final

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